Website Terms of Use

1. Legal Notice:

This website is provided by

Sapsol SARL
Avenue Grand-Duc Jean, 23 A
L – 8823 Capellen
Phone: 00.352.621.18.11.75

2. Use of the Website:

Access, consultation or other use of this website are subject to the terms of use defined below. By using this website, you unconditionally agree to comply with these terms of use. Your acceptance of the terms of use is an essential and preliminary condition for the use of this website. Therefore, if you do not agree with the terms of use, you must stop using this website.

We invite you to consult the terms of use of this website.

3. Disclaimer:

The texts, newsletters, memos, documents, opinions, statements or any other content hosted and published on this website have been prepared by SAPSOL S.à.r.l. for general information purposes only and do not constitute advice. This information is not intended to create, and their reception does not constitute, a business relationship.

This website, and all information available on or accessible through this website, is provided "as is". SAPSOL S.à.r.l. makes no warranty, representation or claim of any kind regarding the information presented on or through this website.

SAPSOL S.à.r.l disclaims any liability for any damage resulting from reliance on the content or its use. The content does not constitute an offer of services or a solicitation to represent you. SAPSOL S.à.r.l. may modify or remove the content at its sole discretion and without notice.

SAPSOL S.à.r.l. has no obligation to ensure that the content of this website is up-to-date and complete or that the content will remain available on this website.

You use this website at your own risk. The documents presented on this website may not reflect the most recent developments. These documents may be changed, improved or updated without notice. SAPSOL is in no way responsible for errors or omissions in the content of this website or for damages resulting from the use or performance of this website.

SAPSOL S.à.r.l claims a copyright on all texts, graphics and exclusive and copyright-protected computer codes on this website, the overall design of this site, and the selection, arrangement and presentation of all materials on this website, including public domain information.

4. Intellectual Property / Copyright

The content of this website, including, but not limited to all texts, images, photographs, contents, logos, trade names, domain names, videos, source code and machine code, software, databases, the entire design of this website, the selection, arrangement, and presentation of all documents thereon are original documents owned by SAPSOL S.à.r.l. or its licensors and as such are protected by copyright, trademark rights, design rights, database rights and/or any other applicable intellectual property right, whether registered or registrable. Unless otherwise stated, it is strictly prohibited to reproduce the content without any authorized modification for your personal use.

The website contains material and content protected by third-party intellectual property rights. The use of these third-party materials and content may be determined by conditions set by the respective third party.

5. Privacy Policy:

In using our website, we collect information about the user and in certain cases personal information of third parties provided by the user through this website. We process the personal data collected through our website as controllers in accordance with Luxembourg laws and regulations, and in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/697 of 27 April 2016, applicable to the protection of personal data.

6. Cookie Policy:

The S.à r.L SAPSOL informs you that it reserves the right to collect information through the use of "cookies" when you use the website, mobile websites, or mobile applications, in accordance with applicable data protection laws. By using the SAPSOL S.à.r.l. website, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with this cookie policy. You can refuse the use of cookies at any time by adjusting the appropriate settings of your browser, but please note that this may affect your experience and your ability to use all the features of the website.

Cookies are pieces of text that are downloaded to your computer or other internet-connected devices when you visit a website and collect information about the use of a website to enhance the overall user experience. The data stored is the operating system you use, the IP address, and the time spent on the website. The information is collected at an aggregated level and it is therefore not possible to identify the individual user.

Cookies are a vital part of the internet and make the use of websites smoother and influence many useful functions of websites. They allow users to be recognized, their preferences to be stored, and assist users in various ways, such as by saving previously entered data. They are also used for targeted advertising and to display relevant content based on the user's previous searches.

It's important to keep track of the pages and links that are popular and those that are not as frequently used in order to keep the website relevant and up-to-date. It's also important to recognize trends, like how people are navigating on the page and whether they're receiving error messages from web pages.

Cookies only record activity on the website you are on and are only used to improve the functioning of a website.

According to European legislation, the company SAPSOL S.à.r.l. requires the user's prior consent to store data in the form of cookies on the user's device or to access it. Therefore, the website has a pop-up banner to inform you about the use and storage of cookies on your device when you first visit the website. Provided you have not deleted the cookies stored on your device or they have expired, you will not see this banner again if you revisit the website using the same browser and the same device.

By continuing navigation on this page, we assume that you oppose the storage and use of cookies on your device. The banner remains visible until you have accepted or declined the cookies.

In general, cookies are set to automatically accept cookies from any website. However, your browser's settings offer the opportunity to manage cookies.

7. Hyperlinks to Third Party Resources:

This website may contain hyperlinks to other websites operated by third parties. SAPSOL S.à.r.l. is not responsible for the content and operation of these other websites.

8. Warranties and Liability:

The website and all third-party materials or content it contains are offered "as is" and "as available, without any warranty of any kind. Access to and use of this website and the materials hosted on it is at your own risk. SAPSOL S.à.r.l. and any of its managers, partners, or employees, or any other person working at SAPSOL S.à.r.l. are not liable for damages arising from the use or unavailability of this website and/or the materials hosted and published thereon, including, but not limited to loss of profits, data loss, or damage, infection, or damage to your equipment by malicious programs or malware. The liability limitations and exclusions of SAPSOL S.à.r.l. with respect to the consultation and use of this website apply to the extent permitted by applicable law. These Terms and Conditions are subject to Luxembourg law. Any dispute arising out of these Terms and Conditions or in connection therewith is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Luxembourg courts.