About SapSol Consulting

Professional Business Approach Since Day One

We are experts in data management solutions. We specialize in data quality improvement, data migration, and governance for various industries. Our professional consultants could help your specific business needs. Contact us to transform your data management today

  • Streamlined team to support any data organization, from functional analysts to data engineers, developers, and scientists
  • Flexible support options and contract conditions tailored to meet your needs
  • Our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to help. Contact us to learn more.
Data Migration

Your Data Migration Is a Pleasure Journey

  • Assess your Legacy Systems
  • Create Data Migration strategy and guidelines for data collection and cleansing
  • Map your legacy data to new models
  • Develop conversion and cleansing rules
  • Ensure full data quality control, before and after migration
  • Migrate your data for testing and production load cycles

Technologies we use:

Data Quality

We Are Focused On Data Excellence

Our goal is to make sure your data adheres to highest standards and best practices, we are finding data errors, cleansing them, and making sure your data remains perfect

  • Define data quality rules based on industry best practices and your Company specifics
  • Prepare and identify data rules violations, measure data quality KPI
  • Analyze root causes and propose improvement methodologies
  • Organize and perform data workflows and mass cleansing
  • Develop modern and powerful data quality control dashboards
Data Governance

Fuel Your Decisions With Data

Data governance sounds like a buzzword, but for us it’s a clear and transparent plan, how to make your company benefiting from data you have

  • Build up onboarding plan, advise and guide data team to create foundational data capabilities
  • Explore and prepare enterprise asset model, create data policy, business glossary, data rulebook
  • Implement data catalog, make metadata manageable and explorable
Data Quality Reports

We develop new data quality reports every day for our clients

Objects Migrated

Number of migration objects in scope of our past projects

Decommissioned Systems

Save your money removing old and legacy systems from landscape

Quality Issues Found

Help your Business to operate smoothly with clean data

We are here to tame your data beast

Transform your data management and unlock your business potential today. Contact SAPSOL's expert team using the form below for tailored solutions and exceptional results

Get in Touch

We are always open to discuss software development projects and meet our clients virtually

Legal Information

23A Avenue Grand-Duc Jean,
L-8323 Capellen, Luxembourg
VAT ID LU28367633

Managing Director

Renaud Kessel



Phone: +352 621 18 11 75

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